Welcome to our blog. Tenants' Union staff and occasional guests offer commentary and analysis of our renting system. We hope to inform, educate and debate the legal, political and cultural aspects of this renting life. For an official quote for media use, or questions regarding our research, policy or publications please contact us. For more articles see news, reports and the Brown Couch archive. For factsheets see tenancy info.


Jemima Mowbray | 01/06/2022

A new Federal Ministry announced. Who is responsible for housing?

The Albanese Labor Government this week announced their new cabinet line up, with 19 MPs and 4 Senators included in the new 23 person cabinet. In this blog we provide a quick rundown of the new…
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Grant Arbuthnot | 23/05/2022

Granny flat blues – challenges and trends

One outcome of the current housing crisis has been an increase in the construction and occupation of ‘granny flats’. All of the typical tenancy problems come up in relation to granny flats, as…
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Riley Brooke | 23/05/2022

The case to end blanket pet bans for renters in NSW

NSW saw changes to strata regulation in late 2020 that had implications for owner-occupiers, and a small proportion of renters, in strata properties. However, as we outline here, these changes…
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Maggie | 27/04/2022

Maggie's renting story: Living in and Leaving Affordable Housing 

Maggie has lived in an Affordable Housing apartment with their partner and children for three-and-a-half years. They're about to move out, into a property they'll be privately renting…
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Riley Brooke | 06/04/2022

Peter's renting story

Peter* is an academic lecturer and researcher who had been living in his Eastern Suburbs apartment for 6 years when he was issued a ‘no grounds’ termination notice, in October of 2021. The…
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Riley Brooke | 05/04/2022

Kaye's renting story

Kaye's story. During the #MakeRentingFair #MyRentedHome social media week of action we share Kaye's story to highlight some of the problems with the NSW renting system, and the need…
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Riley Brooke | 04/04/2022

Sarah's renting story

Sarah* is a NSW renter who was evicted in 2021 during the pandemic. She was evicted into homelessness, and struggled for several months to find a home. Here is some of her story.
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Riley Brooke | 31/03/2022

Catherine's renting story

Catherine* has been a life-long renter who has moved 32 times - the first 30 of which were in the first 25 years of her life. During the #MakeRentingFair #MyRentedHome social media week of…
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Riley Brooke | 31/03/2022

Greer's renting story

Greer is a regional NSW renter who has shared her renting story with us. We share Greer's story during #MakeRentingFair #MyRentedHome social media week of action to highlight some of the…
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Pamela Hunter | 22/03/2022

Vulnerable tenancies a growing issue despite COVID recovery

Many vulnerable tenants were in crisis well before the pandemic and will continue to face personal crises into the future. A crisis should not have to make the world stage before our most…
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Riley Brooke | 28/02/2022

Beyond eviction: alternative approaches to respond to NSW renting households in crisis

As we emerge from 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have the opportunity to evaluate and learn from our experiences during the health crisis and build a fairer NSW renting system that is…
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Jemima Mowbray | 22/02/2022

The true cost of eviction

Our recent special report, Eviction, Hardship and the Housing Crisis, looks closely at the immediate and direct costs of moving. This blog explores the true costs of eviction, and asks what we…
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