Welcome to our blog. Tenants' Union staff and occasional guests offer commentary and analysis of our renting system. We hope to inform, educate and debate the legal, political and cultural aspects of this renting life. For an official quote for media use, or questions regarding our research, policy or publications please contact us. For more articles see news, reports and the Brown Couch archive. For factsheets see tenancy info.


Leo Patterson Ross | 14/12/2022

Banning rent bidding: what do the new protections do?

You have likely heard the NSW Government this week signed off on changes to introduce new protections against rent bidding. These will come into effect for any new listings from this Saturday,…
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Riley Brooke | 08/12/2022

Pets & renting: what does the community have to say?

The NSW Government has just closed a 6-week consultation on keeping pets in rental homes. In addition to the Tenants' Union's policy submission, we created a Make Renting Fair campaign…
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Anonymous | 17/10/2022

The insecurity and uncertainty of renting: 'A constant exercise in weighing up options.'

At the recent Briefing on Healthy Homes for Renters held at NSW Parliament on 13 October 2022, Sarah* shared her experience renting her home. Though a lawyer and academic researcher, Sarah…
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Jack Moon | 09/10/2022

Who is using the Tribunal and why?

We are always trying to better understand what is happening for NSW renters. We want to make sure we can identify the problems and pressures renters are experiencing, as well as whether the…
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Alistair Sisson | 13/09/2022

Examining claims about the social objectives of estate renewal

As the NSW Government moves to implementing its decision to redevelop the Waterloo Estate, the social objectives claimed for the redevelopment and what is needed to deliver them becomes a focus…
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Riley Brooke | 12/09/2022

Citizens' Assemblies and renting policy: an avenue for fair rental reform?

Citizens Assemblies are being increasingly explored in other jurisdictions as an avenue to achieve fair and sensible legislative reform across a wide range of issues - including renting.…
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Pamela Hunter | 05/09/2022

Supporting vulnerable tenants during a crisis 

When the pandemic first hit Australia, COVID-19 did not discriminate, and we saw people of all walks of life impacted. The same now goes for the rising cost of living. It too does not…
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Jemima Mowbray | 23/08/2022

Landlords hiking rents: what can we do?

Over the past year we have seen rents in NSW – and across Australia – increasing at a significant rate and by a significant amount. In this blog we look at what renters can do, including looking…
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Eloise Parrab | 01/08/2022

Embedded networks leaving renters disadvantaged

If you have never lived in an embedded network then many of you might be asking what this is and what does it have to do with renters? It's no surprise to the Tenants Union of NSW that a…
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Jemima Mowbray | 04/07/2022

Census 2021: Renters are the fastest growing tenure in Australia.

Last week the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released its first round of data from last year's Census (2021). This is the key population data collected on Census night, though some…
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Rita Wilkinson | 30/06/2022

Everyone deserves a healthy home: Climate disruption and rental homes in NSW

Climate change is not new. Scientists have been monitoring the effects of increased carbon in our atmosphere, and the reduction of greenhouse gases has been a well publicised global issue since…
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Robert Mowbray | 21/06/2022

'I'm living in my car': Older people and homelessness in NSW

The Standing Committee on Social Issues of the New South Wales Legislative Council currently is conducting an Enquiry into 'Homelessness amongst older people aged over 55 in New South Wales…
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