We’ve been fighting for decades to strengthen renters' rights by changing law in NSW. Now it's finally happening. The NSW Government has committed to ending ‘no grounds’ evictions.…
The Tenants' Union of NSW applauds the government's announcement they are poised to end ‘no grounds’ evictions. This pivotal and long awaited reform ensures that all renters will be…
The Tenants' Union has just published issue 11 of Outasite – our print publication for land lease communities. It has been delivered to mailboxes in communities all over NSW.
Media Release - Australia’s first People’s Commission into the Housing Crisis is set to begin today -Thursday 23 May. The Commission provides a platform convened by housing campaign Everybody’s…
Everyone deserves a safe home. Tenancy law can help victim-survivors of domestic violence in a number of ways. This Supplementary Guide provides additional information further to our Domestic…
Against the backdrop of a crippling housing crisis, we are often asked about what we struggle with most, not necessarily what our renting aspirations are. Our woes are given more attention than…
Renters asked to leave their home for no reason tell us the impact of these evictions is severe. Responses from renter to our our recent survey make it clear that having the rug of relative…
Renting can be tricky to navigate, especially if you are new to renting in New South Wales or haven’t rented for a while. The Tenants’ Union of NSW has made this kit to help renters put the…
We took the opportunity of a recent visit to Murra Mia Western Aboriginal Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service to interview Sonya Mooring, the Tenant Advocate and Team Leader.
Our last edition of Outasite featured an article co-authored by Sandy Gilbert about the impact of the floods on land lease community residents in Tweed Heads and Chinderah. Sandy had set up a…
Aboriginal housing activism in New South Wales has a 135 year history. This report from the Tenants’ Union of NSW documents this history from the dispossession of land and housing at the…
Discrimination pervades many areas of trans people’s lives, including in relation to housing. All people need and deserve a safe, secure, affordable place to call home, but all too often trans…