Eastern Area Tenants Service (EATS)




(02) 9386 9147



9:30am - 5pm


9:30am - 5pm


9:30am - 5pm


9:30am - 5pm


9:30am - 5pm


You can also contact us via 'get help' on our website



Eastern Area Tenants Service (EATS) offers free advice, information and help to renters who are having problems with their landlords or real estate agents. We are funded by NSW Fair Trading and the majority of our funding comes from the interest earned on tenants’ bonds. EATS helps renters in private rental and public housing. We also help boarders and lodgers and people living in share houses.

Our services are available to renters in the Waverley, Woollahra and Randwick council areas in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. We are not able to help landlords or head tenants in a dispute with a sub-tenant or lodger.

Call us on 9386 9147 or use our online request form at eats.org.au.


Tenancy laws are changing in NSW

We’ve been fighting for decades to strengthen renters' rights by changing law in NSW. Now it's finally happening. The reforms cap rent increases at once yearly, and will end no-grounds evictions and make it easier to have pets in your home. Find out more...
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Standing Together for Housing Justice

Tenant Advocates and supporters came together to celebrate 30 years of the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Program, and stand for housing justice.
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Tenant Advocates – Nurture and Grow

The annual TAAS Conference took place last month in Birpai Country, Port Macquarie. The theme of the conference was 'Nurture and Grow' – to evoke the approach we seek to take with clients, renters' rights and knowledge, and our own skills. Over 100 Tenant Advocates from across NSW gathered to learn and connect. The conference is organised by the Tenants' Union of NSW, and this was the largest face-to-face conference we have ever delivered.
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Rent Tracker Research Project

The Tenants' Union Rent Tracker Research Project aims to give tenants, researchers, journalists, and others a clear way to understand rent movements in NSW. Our tools use data published by…
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Tenancy laws are changing in NSW

We’ve been fighting for decades to strengthen renters' rights by changing law in NSW. Now it's finally happening. The reforms cap rent increases at once yearly, and will end no-grounds…
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Renters' recent experiences of ‘no grounds’ evictions in NSW

The Tenants' Union of NSW has heard of an increase in no-grounds notices of termination (or “eviction notices”) being served to renters in the lead-up to their removal next year. We want to…
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Have your say on future of Homes NSW

Have your say about the future of public and community housing in NSW!
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Annual Report 2023-2024

Housing continues to dominate political debate at all levels of government. We're proud of the work we've done, but also look towards the work still to be completed. Check out our 2023…
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NCAT Experience Survey

This survey is for renters who have been involved in a case at the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Your responses will help to inform the Tenants' Union's feedback to the…
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NSW Govt announces $4 million over 4 years extra funding for improved access to advice and advocacy for tenants

The NSW Government announced it has boosted funding for Tenants Advice & Advocacy Services by $1 million annually until 2028, increasing the 2024-25 budget to $16.2 million.
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Media Release - NSW ends ‘no grounds’ evictions: Historic Win for Renters

Today marks a major victory for renters across New South Wales. Years of advocacy, community organising, and relentless efforts by renters, housing advocates, and the NSW network of local…
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Standing Together for Housing Justice

Tenant Advocates and supporters came together to celebrate 30 years of the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Program, and stand for housing justice.
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Outasite – land lease communities magazine

In September, the Tenants' Union published issue 12 of Outasite – our print publication for land lease communities. Over 6,000 copies were delivered to mailboxes in communities all over NSW…
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Spotlight on Noleen Robinson

Noleen Robinson has been living in a land lease community in Lake Macquarie for over 24 years and has been a resident advocate for nearly the same amount of time. Noleen is a long term member of…
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Residential Land Lease Community Laws Get Updated

On 25th September 2024 the laws governing residential land lease communities changed. These changes are the first phase of the 48 recommendations that came out of the 5 year statutory review of…
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Showing 1 - 12 of 633 results