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Tenancy laws are changing in NSW. Find out more...

Tenancy laws are changing in NSW

We’ve been fighting for decades to strengthen renters' rights by changing law in NSW. Now it's finally happening. The NSW Government has committed to ending ‘no grounds’ evictions.…
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Joey and supporters

It's not a house. It's a home.

In a huge victory following a long-fought legal battle, Tenants' Union client Mr Charles Joseph Warren has won the right to stay in his home.
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Orange block with Tenants' Union logo in white relief, reads MEDIA RELEASE

Media Release: National Cabinet reforms fall short one year on

Media Release: Australian renters still vulnerable: National Cabinet reforms fall short in protecting renters one year on—Renters in Australia continue to face inconsistent tenancy laws and an…
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collage of art and words saying 'action for housing justice'

Seeking to commission original poster art from NSW artists

The Tenants’ Union of NSW is looking to commission original poster art from 3 NSW artists. The posters will promote recent law reforms and free legal help available.
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Renters seated voting with green paper and hands raised at Revesby Renters' Forum, indicating agreement with statement 'We want a renting future in which we are secure and stable in our rental homes.'

NSW is ending 'no grounds' evictions: what does it mean for renters?

The recent announcement by the NSW Government that they are moving ahead with promised eviction reforms is welcome news. For renters, and those who campaign for housing justice, this is long…
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renters speaking to the media

Renters and supporters celebrate announcement of 'no grounds' ban

After decades of campaigning by renters, community supporters and housing policy experts, the NSW Government is introducing new legislation to end no-grounds evictions. The Tenants' Union…
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Text card reads Tenants' Union of NSW Media Release

MEDIA RELEASE: Tenants' Union of NSW Celebrates Government Action to End ‘No Grounds’ Evictions

The Tenants' Union of NSW applauds the government's announcement they are poised to end ‘no grounds’ evictions. This pivotal and long awaited reform ensures that all renters will be…
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Homes and roofs with a magnifying glass

Rent Tracker Research Project

The Tenants' Union Rent Tracker Research Project aims to give tenants, researchers, journalists, and others a clear way to understand rent movements in NSW. Our tools use data published by…
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Smiling residents giving a thumbs up

Outasite – land lease communities magazine

The Tenants' Union has just published issue 11 of Outasite – our print publication for land lease communities. It has been delivered to mailboxes in communities all over NSW.
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Greg smiling

Big win for Woronora residents

Nestled along the banks of the Woronora River lies Woronora Village Tourist Park, a small community that was established in 1956. In recent years, this community has been under threat due to…
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Anoulack Chanthivong MP, Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading, during  the Second Reading Debate of the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Amendment Bill 2024.

RLLC Amendment Bill in Parliament

In May the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading Anoulack Chanthivong MP introduced into NSW Parliament a Bill to amend the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 (RLLC Act).
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Resident advocates at the training in Pottsville

Upskilling residents in the Northern Rivers

Paul and Eloise from the Tenants’ Union recently travelled to Pottsville in Northern NSW to provide training for resident advocates.
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