You want to leave – news and analysis


Map of NSW with coloured areas

Rent Tracker Area Tool

Use this tool to explore how the price and supply of rental homes has changed across all districts of Sydney and regional areas of NSW.
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Map with coloured areas

Bond Loss Tracker

Use this tool to explore how the risk and severity of bond loss has changed across Sydney and regional NSW.
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Text: Supplementary guide: Domestic violence and renting

Domestic violence and renting: Supplementary Guide

Everyone deserves a safe home. Tenancy law can help victim-survivors of domestic violence in a number of ways. This Supplementary Guide provides additional information further to our Domestic…
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Multicultural family

Survey on rental racism

Do you have a multicultural background and have rented in NSW in the last 5 years? Help researchers understand your unique experience to get better solutions by filling out a quick survey. 
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Roaches in your rental – to leave or not to leave

No-one should have to live with roaches! They are gross. But hating roaches and the existence of roaches in the property might not be a good enough legal reason to end a tenancy without having…
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Annual Report cover with smiling tenants

Annual Report 2022-2023

It will be no surprise that the housing crisis in NSW has dominated the Tenants' Union's work this year. Read about our work in our 2022-2023 Annual Report.
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New Renters Kit cover showing people in front of a 'leased' sign

New Renters Kit

Renting can be tricky to navigate, especially if you are new to renting in New South Wales or haven’t rented for a while. The Tenants’ Union of NSW has made this kit to help renters put the…
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NEWTAAS Annual Report 2023

This year the New England and Western Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service is celebrating our 21st year of operation. Our Annual Report summarises our work and also includes a selection of…
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pie chart

End of Tenancy Survey

The NSW Government Department of Fair Trading's end of tenancy survey is an important data source, shedding light on the dynamics of rental arrangements within the state.
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flooded houses

Tips: Renting after a disaster

Living through a disaster such as a flood or fire is difficult enough without having to worry about your tenancy. So the Tenants’ Union of NSW has prepared these short(ish) answers to common…
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Speak up now to improve rental laws

Renters, have your say!

The NSW Government has now opened a consultation on Improving NSW renting laws. Now’s your chance to have your say on the changes needed to make renting fair!
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Rent Converter

Rent Converter

The Rent Converter is a calculator that converts the rent between daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly and yearly amounts. Select the payment period and put in the rent you pay. The converter…
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End no grounds


Renting Increase Negotiation Kit


Renting Bytes podcast