Researchers at UNSW and Swinburne Uni are seeking input from land lease community residents. The Attorney-General is also consulting on the National Plan to End the Abuse and Mistreatment of…
Housing continues to dominate political debate at all levels of government. We're proud of the work we've done, but also look towards the work still to be completed. Check out our 2023…
The Federal Budget's most notable announcement for renters was an increase in rent assistance, but a closer look reveals it may not be as generous as it seems. Starting in September, the…
Media Release: Australian renters still vulnerable: National Cabinet reforms fall short in protecting renters one year on—Renters in Australia continue to face inconsistent tenancy laws and an…
Renters in Australia continue to face inconsistent tenancy laws and an ongoing lack of protection. The Rental Report by the National Association of Renters’ Organisations (NARO) and National…
The Commonwealth Government has announced that households will receive $300 in 2024/2025 to help with increasing electricity costs. Some households will automatically receive this payment off…
Media Release - Australia’s first People’s Commission into the Housing Crisis is set to begin today -Thursday 23 May. The Commission provides a platform convened by housing campaign Everybody’s…
In this submission, we provide brief feedback regarding the proposed build-to-rent tax concessions. Our Network aims for a rental sector that supports safe, affordable and healthy homes. Build-…
Re-joining the Tenants’ Union allowed me to jump back into the details of the ongoing housing and rental crisis in Australia and NSW and investigate the mechanisms recently put in place by the…
There has been a resurgence in the last couple of weeks, amplified by the Federal government, that pulling back migration numbers will lead to some easing of pressure on our renting system. We…
It will be no surprise that the housing crisis in NSW has dominated the Tenants' Union's work this year. Read about our work in our 2022-2023 Annual Report.
The Navigating to Home webinar provides an overview of The National Nine report's key recommendations., followed by a panel conversation exploring the challenges facing renters and our…