We’ve been fighting for decades to strengthen renters' rights by changing law in NSW. Now it's finally happening. The NSW Government has committed to ending ‘no grounds’ evictions.…
The recent announcement by the NSW Government that they are moving ahead with promised eviction reforms is welcome news. For renters, and those who campaign for housing justice, this is long…
After decades of campaigning by renters, community supporters and housing policy experts, the NSW Government is introducing new legislation to end no-grounds evictions. The Tenants' Union…
The Tenants' Union of NSW applauds the government's announcement they are poised to end ‘no grounds’ evictions. This pivotal and long awaited reform ensures that all renters will be…
Everyone deserves a safe home. Tenancy law can help victim-survivors of domestic violence in a number of ways. This Supplementary Guide provides additional information further to our Domestic…
Against the backdrop of a crippling housing crisis, we are often asked about what we struggle with most, not necessarily what our renting aspirations are. Our woes are given more attention than…
For this report we surveyed 123 NSW renters, asking them about the impact of the eviction financially and emotionally. We asked about challenges they may have faced in securing alternative…
Do you have a multicultural background and have rented in NSW in the last 5 years? Help researchers understand your unique experience to get better solutions by filling out a quick survey.
New polling, undertaken by Ipsos Public Affairs for the Tenants’ Union of NSW, shows NSW renters want to see action from the NSW Government on promised rental reforms to end ‘no grounds’…
New polling, undertaken by Ipsos Public Affairs for the Tenants’ Union of NSW, shows significant support from landlords for the reforms. The research also shows the community expects reforms…
Renters asked to leave their home for no reason tell us the impact of these evictions is severe. Responses from renter to our our recent survey make it clear that having the rug of relative…