The Tenants' Union Rent Tracker Research Project aims to give tenants, researchers, journalists, and others a clear way to understand rent movements in NSW. Our tools use data published by…
In September, the Tenants' Union published issue 12 of Outasite – our print publication for land lease communities. Over 6,000 copies were delivered to mailboxes in communities all over NSW…
Nestled along the banks of the Woronora River lies Woronora Village Tourist Park, a small community that was established in 1956. In recent years, this community has been under threat due to…
It will be no surprise that the housing crisis in NSW has dominated the Tenants' Union's work this year. Read about our work in our 2022-2023 Annual Report.
Aboriginal housing activism in New South Wales has a 135 year history. This report from the Tenants’ Union of NSW documents this history from the dispossession of land and housing at the…
A special exhibition at Customs House showcased the top entries from our renter's photo competition. The exhibition gave renters’ a platform to share their stories directly with other…
This infosheet has tips to help if you need to negotiate with a landlord or real estate agent. We all negotiate at times, but it can be challenging to negotiate with a landlord. Tenants are…
A new report by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Youth Action digs into issues facing renters under 30. Young people’s voices feature, with quotes taken from the 304 responses to our survey of…
Recently the Tenants’ Union of NSW made a submission to NSW Department of Communities and Justice as part of their consultations for the next NSW Government strategy for seniors. We recommended…
The Tenants' Union of NSW welcomes the opportunity to provide comment and insight to help shape a long term Housing Plan for NSW that will deliver secure, affordable, and liveable housing…
In this submission, the Tenants' Union of NSW focuses on three key issues: ageing in place, the precarious situation of ‘older renters’ in the private rental market, and the adequate…