Goods left behind – news and analysis


Text: Supplementary guide: Domestic violence and renting

Domestic violence and renting: Supplementary Guide

Everyone deserves a safe home. Tenancy law can help victim-survivors of domestic violence in a number of ways. This Supplementary Guide provides additional information further to our Domestic…
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flooded houses

Tips: Renting after a disaster

Living through a disaster such as a flood or fire is difficult enough without having to worry about your tenancy. So the Tenants’ Union of NSW has prepared these short(ish) answers to common…
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Death of a tenant

This infosheet summarises the issues that may arise on the death of a tenant. 
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Key and podcast wave


Listen now! Renting Bytes and Renting Matters are podcasts produced by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Legal Aid NSW. We aim to help renters and community workers understand tenancy law and…
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Damage, loss and abandonment

A number of land lease communities were impacted by the floods in the Mid North Coast in March 2021. Some homes in those communities were significantly damaged by flood waters, leaving home…
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Submission: Better Business Reforms Implementation Options Paper

This Tenants' Union submission is concerned with items related to uncollected goods, utility agreements in strata schemes and the repeal of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1899.
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Submission: Easy and Transparent Trading

The Tenants' Union of NSW made this submission to the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation's Easy and Transparent Trading consultation process.
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Submission: Protections for Residents of Long Term Supported Group Accommodation in NSW

The Tenants' Union is pleased to respond to the NSW Government’s Issues Paper on Protections for Residents of Long Term Supported Group Accommodation in NSW. By raising a number of…
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Text: Factsheet: Domestic violence and renting

Domestic violence and renting

Everyone deserves a safe home. Tenancy law can help victim-survivors of domestic violence in a number of ways. This factsheet summarises the options for tenants who are victim-survivors of…
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Submission: Response to Fair Trading discussion paper "Statutory Review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010"

The Tenants’ Union is pleased to provide this response to NSW Fair Trading’s discussion paper for the statutory review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. This contribution forms part of our…
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Tenants' Union logo

Quick guide: NSW renting laws are under review!

NSW Fair Trading is currently reviewing the Residential Tenancies Act, and has released a discussion paper to gauge community views. Renters say the law should deliver greater stability,…
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End no grounds


Renting Increase Negotiation Kit


Renting Bytes podcast