Housing affordability – news and analysis


Cover of Anglicare Affordability snapshot

Rent affordability in COVID-19: Anglicare report

Today Anglicare released the latest version of its Affordability Snapshot which looks at the number of available and affordable properties for people on low incomes.
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A row of houses with "to let" signs out the front

Renting research revisited - Part 2

Tenant advocates have lead the research into tenancy in NSW for many years. In this second of a series, Robert Mowbray looks back on two of his contributions and what we can learn from them…
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Annual Repot cover with smiling tenants

Annual Report 2018-2019

It's been another year of great results for the Tenants' Union of NSW. Read about our work in our Annual Report for 2018-19.
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Submission: Kickstarting the productivity conversation

The Tenants' Union of NSW is pleased to make this contribution to the conversation initiated by the NSW Productivity Commission. We are chiefly interested in the experience of people who…
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Submission: Boarding Houses Act 2012 review

The New South Wales Boarding Houses Act 2012 has now been in operation for six years. We consider the introduction of the Boarding Houses Act to have been a significant step, but very much a…
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Submission: Short-term rental accommodation - a new regulatory framework

The Tenants’ Union of NSW is pleased to offer this response in response to the short-term rental accommodation regulatory framework discussion paper.
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Submission: Federal inquiry into the Adequacy of Newstart and Related Payments

The work of the Tenants' Union, and that of the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services we work alongside, brings us into frequent contact with very low, low and moderate income households who…
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Balacava - negative gearing is not your friend

Negative gearing is still not your friend

Negative gearing remains a major issue for tenants - we've written more than 50 articles about it! This article has been one of the most widely read over the last few years, and now we…
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Submission: Review of the National Regulatory System for Community Housing

The Tenants’ Union believes the success of the social housing sector relies on being responsive to need and accountable to tenants who rely on it for secure affordable housing but also whose…
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Election Guide cover with houses and ballot boxes

A tenant’s guide to the NSW Election 2019

This guide is intended as educational information regarding the NSW Election to be held on 23rd March 2019. We acknowledge the tenants of NSW hold diverse political views and support this…
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Lives Turned Upside Down cover image of an upside down couch

Lives Turned Upside Down: NSW Renters' Experience of 'no grounds' evictions

This report by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Marrickville Legal Centre explores the impacts of no grounds evictions. The Tenants' Union of NSW recommends ending no grounds evictions,…
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ALP announcement

Big numbers and good intentions: Labor's Affordable Housing Plan

The Federal ALP conference is happening in Adelaide at the moment, and one of the big early announcements was a plan to build a lot of 'affordable' housing. This can probably be…
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