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Increased rent relief support payments, but NSW Eviction Moratorium must be extended

Wed, 18/08/2021 - 13:05
Text box with stylised image of coronavirus cell and buildings. Text reads: COVID-19 rental support. Financial support extended to $3000 for waived rent  Further protections required to help prevent virus spread and economic harm.
Yesterday the NSW Government announced they are increasing the rent relief support available up to $3000 for landlords who reduce (waive) rent by this amount for impacted tenants. We welcome and would like to thank Minister Anderson for extending rent relief support. There are a number of ways in which current restrictions and protections should be further clarified and strengthened to ensure they support and protect the community as intended. Our key recommendations in this article.
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The tale of Alan and Annie: living in affordable housing and retiring from paid work

Thu, 12/08/2021 - 17:32
Moving a home person with packed boxes and moving furniture, Attribution: pikisuperstar - www.freepik.com
‘What happens to an affordable housing tenant when they retire? Will they be forced to move?’ The Tenants' Union of NSW isn't sure of the answer to this question. So, Robert Mowbray - the Tenants' Union's Older Renters Policy Officer - went to do a bit of digging.
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COVID-19 Financial Incentives for Landlords

Tue, 10/08/2021 - 10:08
Group of people in a house with cartoons of covid outside
The NSW Government has introduced financial incentives that can be claimed by landlords who provide a rent reduction to tenants impacted by COVID-19 during this period. If you are an ‘impacted tenant’, you can advise your landlord that if they provide you with a rent reduction, then they can claim one of the following two types of government payments.
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WESTS lockdown service update

Tue, 03/08/2021 - 11:07
WESTS - here to help
The Western Sydney Tenants' Service (WESTS) is operating remotely during the COVID-19 Lockdown period. We will continue to deliver our excellent service to the Western Sydney community whilst in lockdown. Our offices are currently closed, but we strongly encourage our clients to continue contacting us online or via phone. As a tenant, you are entitled to exercise your rights within the scope of the current Public Health Orders and landlords are still to be held accountable to their general obligations under the rental agreement and residential tenancies law.
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Vale John Mant – supporter of TAAS

Sat, 24/07/2021 - 22:35
John Mant
VALE JOHN MANT, 1936-2021: The tenants of New South Wales owe a big thankyou to John Mant who died on 10 July, aged 84. He left a legacy still in the making, especially in the field of urban planning. He also made a big contribution to the creation and ongoing support for tenants advice and advocacy services in NSW
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Support for International Students: Pilot Hub Launched

Thu, 22/07/2021 - 14:16
OISH launch
International students have faced incredible hardship throughout the COVID-19 epidemic. At the peak of the pandemic, six international students began regular International student support sessions for isolated students. These zoom sessions sparked an idea for a physical hub where international students could support one another, share stories and build skills. The Tenants’ Union worked as part of a Sydney Alliance organising committee to develop the idea.
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Lockdown safety net: our analysis

Mon, 19/07/2021 - 14:15
Lockdown safety net: our analysis
This week NSW heads into a tougher lockdown. For many renting households, especially renters who are casual workers, this is going to have a significant impact on their income and ability to make rent and cover other essentials. In this blog, we run through in more detail the support package for renting households that was announced last week.
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Stop on evictions and financial supports for impacted renters

Tue, 13/07/2021 - 16:10
Breaking news 60 day stop on evictions & income support for impacted renters announced
The Tenants’ Union of NSW welcomes this afternoon’s announcement from the Federal and NSW Governments recognising the need to support renting households who might be struggling as a result of the lockdown. Supports include financial support, incentives for landlords to reduce rent and a stop on evictions for some tenants.
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NSW Peaks push for measures to support households struggling during current lockdown.

Tue, 13/07/2021 - 09:12
Household wearing masks, virus in background
The Tenants Union of NSW, with the NSW Council of Social Services (NCOSS) and Homelessness NSW, have written to Premier Berejiklian and Treasurer Perrottet, asking them to ensure measures are in place to support the most vulnerable during the current lockdown. “It’s really important that the restriction on forcing people to move is seen as part of the health response. It is entirely avoidable. We can and should be preventing people from being evicted or made financially desperate and forced by that to move during lockdown.”

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Call for systemic change amid Northern Rivers housing crisis

Tue, 06/07/2021 - 13:45
The Northern Rivers region is beset by soaring rental prices, social housing issues, a crisis of housing instability and homelessness. In this article Sally Latter, Coordinator of the Northern Rivers Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service, shows why it's time to end no-grounds evictions and transform the housing system.
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