You want to leave – news and analysis


Want your bond back? Claiming is easy.
Want your bond back? Claiming is easy.

Tips: The easy way to claim your bond

Want your bond back? Claiming is easy. Once a tenancy is over, a tenant can claim the bond without the signature of the landlord/agent. If the claim is not challenged by Tribunal application…
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Submission: Long Fixed-Term Residential Tenancy Agreements

Reform to encourage long fixed-term residential tenancy agreements holds limited potential to improve security of tenure and stability for tenants. TUNSW’s concerns about long fixed-term…
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Selling your home in a land lease community

As a home owner in a residential land lease community you have rights under the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 and Residential (Land Lease) Communities Regulation 2015. This…
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Julie Foreman

Life begins at 40!

Julie Foreman, Tenants' Union of NSW Executive Officer reflects on the TU's 40 years of working for tenants rights and housing justice. She introduces a compilation of stories which…
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Sample letter

Transfer of tenancy document

​​​​​​​You can use this sample document when one tenant is moving in and taking over the lease from another tenant. It requires signatures and consent from the tenant moving out, the tenant…
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Sample letter

Letter to NCAT appointing tenants' agent

​​​​​​​You can send this sample letter to the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal when you need to appoint an agent on your behalf. You might do this if you are away from the…
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Sample letter

Letter to landlord appointing tenants' agent

You can use this sample letter to inform your landlord you need to appoint an agent on your behalf. You might do this if you are away from the property for some time, or are very unwell, or…
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Sample letter

Ending tenancy early

You can use this sample letter to let the landlord or agent know that you are leaving before the end of a fixed-term tenancy.
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