People’s Commission into the Housing Crisis begins today



    Australia’s first People’s Commission into the Housing Crisis is set to begin today - a platform convened by housing campaign Everybody’s Home that will hear from everyday people who are affected by housing insecurity. 

    Co-commissioners Doug Cameron (former Labor Senator for NSW) and Prof Nicole Gurran (University of Sydney housing expert) will hear evidence over two days in Sydney (23-24 May).

    The Tenants’ Union of NSW believe the People’s Commission provides a valuable platform for everyday people to share their experience of and insights on the cracks in our housing system. It provides an opportunity for them to directly engage with decision makers about the meaningful action required to address these.

    Leo Patterson Ross, CEO, Tenants' Union of NSW said:

    “The People’s Commission into Housing provides a crucial platform to hear from people directly impacted by housing insecurity, ensuring their experiences inform meaningful solutions.

    Everyday we hear from renters about the challenges they face. Over the last couple of years we’ve seen a threefold increase in the number of people calling the Tenants’ Advocacy network for advice about rent increases, and are receiving twice the number of calls about eviction for no reason (‘no grounds’ eviction). Right now renters are experiencing serious financial strain, housing insecurity, and emotional distress as a result of our current housing crisis. It is heartbreaking to hear some of what is being shared today, but we thank the renters giving evidence for speaking up. Decision makers need to honour their stories by listening and then move to real action.”

    The Tenants’ Union of NSW has been a supporter of Everybody’s Home for 6 years. 

    Other info:

    • The Commission has received hundreds of submissions from individuals and organisations. 
    • A third day of hearings will occur online with a date to be confirmed.
    • For more information about the hearings: 
    • The People’s Commission will examine the experiences of people struggling to access affordable and suitable housing, the flow-on impacts of the housing crisis, the impacts of current policy settings on housing affordability and access to housing, as well as actions that can be taken by governments to improve it. 
    • A final report will be published with recommendations for the federal government.