Regional NSW – news and analysis


Text reads Regional NSW in rental crisis - Extend the eviction moratorium

40 organisations publish open letter calling for stronger protections during COVID transition

40 community organisations sign on today to Open Letter calling for stronger protections and additional financial support for COVID impacted renters through transition 
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Submission: Response to the Discussion Paper on the Statutory Review of the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013

The Tenants’ Union welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the Discussion Paper on the Statutory Review of the Residential Land Lease Communities Act (2013). Part 1 of our submission sets…
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Celebrating NAIDOC Week: Always Was, Always Will Be.

Tenant Advocates have joined in NAIDOC 2020 celebrations across NSW, in person and online. Western Aboriginal Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service participated in the Dubbo NAIDOC event.…
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Graphic image, housingscape in relief with COVID19 stylised virus image in blue background.

Renting during COVID-19? Take the survey

City Futures Research Centre at UNSW wants to hear about what is has been like renting during the COVID-19 emergency? Have you tried to negotiate a reduced rent? Take the survey and go…
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graphic with buildings and covid virus shapes hovering in the sky

Report: Supporting Renters Through the Pandemic

In this report we consider NSW renters’ experience in the Private Rental Market during the COVID19 health crisis, and assess the effectiveness of the NSW Eviction Moratorium protections using…
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buildings with covid shapes hovering in the sky

Report on the situation for NSW renters during COVID-19 demonstrates struggle ongoing, potentially getting worse

Tenants' Union of NSW Report released today demonstrates the struggle many NSW renters continue to face as a result of COVID-19. The report 'Supporting Renters During the Pandemic…
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Outasite 6 cover

Outasite magazine issue 6 – out now!

Our annual printed publication for land lease communities has been published and delivered to mailboxes in communities all over NSW. You can also download a pdf here or read the articles online…
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A mother and child sitting on a couch. The mother is wearing a face mask.

Tenancy services needed now more than ever

Pamela Hunter, Community Services Manager at VERTO, writes: "Tenancy, and renting in general, became very popular subjects at the beginning of the pandemic but they seem to have slipped…
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Report: 5 years of the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013

This report considers the operation of the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 since commencement and sets out our key issues for reform. We also make further recommendations for other…
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Maz at Tweed Heads

Reflections on 10 years of Tenant Advocacy

After 10 and a half years, Maralyn Schofield is leaving her role as Coordinator of the Northern Rivers Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service. We took the opportunity to ask her for some of…
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Briefing: Further supports required for renters during COVID-19 health crisis

This briefing provides an overview of the basic framework of the NSW Evictions Moratorium implemented through the Residential Tenancies Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2020. We welcome the…
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Mary and Amanda

Advocating for independent living

Recently, the Northern Rivers Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service was able to assist a tenant to maintain her independent living. The tenant lives in social housing, in a modest three…
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