Tell decision makers to end unfair evictions – community supporter

We need the NSW Government to get this right.

We know that NSW Government decision-makers are currently considering rental reforms – can you email them and tell them to end no-grounds evictions for all renters?

It’s been almost a year since NSW Labor formed government, and we haven’t yet seen real progress (such as a Bill in Parliament) to end unfair evictions. A renter in NSW gets a no-grounds eviction every 18 minutes in NSW. And 2 out 3 renters who get no-grounds evictions are on fixed-term agreements. The government needs to end no-grounds now, for all renters – including those on fixed-terms. 

The more you can customise your letter the better – explain why you're a community supporter. What do no-grounds evictions mean to you? If you're a renter, use this letter instead.