Bond top up

You can use this sample letter when a landlord has asked you to pay extra money to "top up" your bond after you have already paid the bond when you moved in.

Copy and paste the template letter below or download a copy from the link above. Remember to substitute your details for the details contained in [square brackets].

[Your name and address]


[Landlord’s or agent’s name and address]

Dear …

Re: Rental bond at [your address]

I refer to your request that I pay an additional rental bond on the above premises.

I draw your attention to section 161 of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. Where a tenant has paid a rental bond, a landlord or landlord’s agent cannot demand additional amounts of rental bond where the tenant continues to occupy the residential premises under one or more successive residential tenancy agreements.

I have a residential tenancy agreement dated [date] which shows that the rental bond was $[amount].

I trust this clarifies the matter.

Yours sincerely

[T Tenant]