Transfer of co-tenancy - consent withheld

You can use this sample letter when you need to take your name off the lease in a share house and the landlord has refused to give consent. 

Copy and paste the template letter below or download a copy from the link above. Remember to substitute your details for the details contained in [square brackets].

[Your name and address]


[Landlord’s or agent’s name and address]

Dear …

Re: Withholding consent to the transfer of co-tenancy at [your address]

I understand that you have withheld your consent to my request for a transfer of my co-tenancy at the above premises.

Please note that under section 75(2) of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 a landlord cannot unreasonably withhold consent for a partial transfer of the tenancy.  

If you do not consent to the transfer within 7 days, I will be applying to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. I will ask the tribunal for an order under section 75(5) of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 allowing me to transfer my co-tenancy.

If you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me on [your number].

Yours sincerely

[T Tenant]