No Bang for your Bond!

Julie Foreman • 29/08/2019

Initial response from the Tenants' Union of NSW, resourcing body for 19 NSW-based Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Services, to the release of funding agreements from 2019-2022 for NSW Government funding for the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Program.

No homes on a dead planet

Leo Patterson Ross • 22/08/2019

The evidence has been in for some time that our climate is changing. At the Tenants' Union of NSW this concerns us because we know that renters live in housing that is the least suitable for a changing climate and they're in the weakest position to make changes. We believe all people deserve safe, stable homes to live in and this aim only becomes harder to achieve the longer we wait to start taking real climate action. There will be no homes on a dead planet.

Submission: Residential Tenancies Regulation 2019 Jeremy Kerbel Wed, 07/08/2019 - 15:04

Renting art across Sydney

Leo Patterson Ross • 30/07/2019

In Sydenham, from August 2nd to 10th, as part of Edge Sydenham, you can see "Real State Tenancies" by Emily Valentine. Emily describes her art below.

In/formal housing – is more formality the answer?

Leo Patterson Ross • 30/05/2019

Leo Patterson Ross

This is the text of an address I gave to the Housing Theory Symposium 2019 on 30th May. Thank you to the organisers, Dr Jathan Sadowski whose tweet is linked below and Dr Sophia Maalsen, for the invitation. For those who were in the room, there may have been hesitation, repetition or deviation from these written notes which I have not adjusted to reflect.


Negative gearing is still not your friend

Leo Patterson Ross • 10/05/2019

The original version of this post was originally published in 2011. Since then it has been one of the most popular articles of the Brown Couch. been read by thousands of people. Negative gearing has remained a big issue for tenants - we've written more than 50 articles about it!