Avoiding the spring of carnage: NSW Government rental assistance during the COVID-19 crisis

Robert Mowbray • 04/06/2020

Daniel Ziffer recently wrote for the ABC about the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic for renting households being simply ‘kicked down the road’ leading to a spring of ‘carnage’. He argued that temporary evictions moratorium measures across the country provided inadequate protection, given that in many, if not most, cases they were leading to rent reductions that were really rent deferrals.

Rent affordability in COVID-19: Anglicare report

Leo Patterson Ross • 30/04/2020

Today Anglicare released the latest version of its Affordability Snapshot which looks at the number of available and affordable properties for people on low incomes.


Renters are on the frontline of the coronavirus pandemic. Many are losing their incomes, and some are scared of being forced out of their homes.