Ending tenancy at end of fixed-term

You can use this sample letter as a formal Notice of Termination if you want to leave at the end of a fixed-term agreement. It must be served by mail, or email (to an email address specified by the person for the service of documents of that kind), or in person. The termination date in the notice can be the last day of the fixed term or up to 14 days after. You have to serve this notice before your fixed-term agreement ends – you can serve it on or before the last day of the agreement. Vacate by the date in your notice. See Factsheet 9: You Want To Leave for more information.

Copy and paste the template letter below or download a copy from the link above. Remember to substitute your details for the details contained in [square brackets].

[Your name and address]


[Landlord’s or agent’s name and address]

Dear …

Re: Termination of tenancy agreement at [your address]

Our [number of months]-month residential tenancy agreement ends on [date].

As required under section 96 of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010, I am writing to give you 14 days notice. I will be giving vacant possession of the above premises on [date].

I will be in contact with you closer to this date to arrange a time when we can both inspect the premises, complete a condition report and I can return the keys to you.

Yours sincerely

[T Tenant]