Invalid electricity bill

You can use this sample letter when you have been asked to pay for electricity costs, but the premises are not separately metered.

Copy and paste the template letter below or download a copy from the link above. Remember to substitute your details for the details contained in [square brackets].

[Your name and address]


[Landlord’s or agent’s name and address]

Dear …

Re: Electricity bill for [your address]

I refer to your requests that I contribute to electricity costs at the above premises, which are not separately metered. I draw your attention to s40(1)(a) of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010, which forms clause 10.3 of the standard residential tenancy agreement:

“10. The landlord agrees to pay …

10.3 all charges for the supply of electricity, gas (except bottled gas) or oil to the tenant at the residential premises if the premises are not separately metered”.

As my part of the premises is not separately metered, I am not required to pay electricity costs.

I trust this letter clarifies the matter.

Yours sincerely

[T Tenant]