Additional occupants

You can use this sample letter when you wish to seek consent from the operator to have an additional person occupy the residential site. Remember you do not need consent for the home owner's spouse, de facto partner or carer. For information about home owners rights and responsibilities, see Factsheet Rights and responsibilities of land lease community home owners. 

Copy and paste the template letter below or download a copy from the link above. Remember to substitute your details for the details contained in [square brackets].


[Your name and address]


[Operator or managers name and address]

Dear …

Re: Consent for additional occupant at [insert your residential site number/address]

I am writing to ask for your written consent for an additional occupant at the above  residential site. The additional occupant is [Name of person]. 

Please note that under section 44 of the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 an operator cannot unreasonably withhold consent for an additional occupant.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, or if you require any further personal information about [name of additional occupant], please contact me on [phone number]


Yours sincerely

[Home owner]